Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dog almost died of starvation

I felt very sad when I read in the newspaper that a 7 years old undernourished Danish dog was found in a house in Capelle aan den IJssel. She was left behind with 3 cats. The poor cats died because there was no food. The name of the dog was Cyra and she weight 32kg. The normal weight of such a big dog is 60- 70 kg. She must get stronger for 2,5 weeks and then she can move to a good person.
Her original boss left the pets behind because she decided to live together with her ‘lover’ and she didn’t like the pets anymore. She had taken 2 little dogs with her.
I think: this is criminal so the woman who did this must be strictly forbidden to have pets.
There are more and more pets being left behind. The pet-safety is falling down and down.
I hope that it is going to stop quickly. Perhaps now we have a political party for the animals in our parliament (the PVD)

Dennis van Viet, T1B


Anonymous said...

The dogs and cats died because they did not have food. My dog eats good foot. Her name is Diana. I don´t like seeing animals dying. Nowadays there are many people who are very cruel to animals, but in my city the person who mistreats animals have to pay a fine. Do you also have something like that?
Carolina from IES Cuenca del Nalón, Spain

Anonymous said...

She is a the very cruel and horrible woman!!!! I love animals.
I was born in Colombia but I live here in Spain. And I have animals in Colombia: horses, dogs, hens, cats, pigs, cows and bulls.

My name is Carlos Andres.


Anonymous said...

She is a bad person. She must have a very strong punishment. I love animals. I have animals: tortoise, bird...
