Saturday, December 23, 2006
"A Christmas Carol" performed by one actor only

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
A message from Portugal

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Secret Of Hook Of Holland (The End)

Last weekend Lan and I performed the play in the fortress (read the other two stories if you want to know more about this) and we enjoyed it very much! I think the visitors liked it also. The funniest part was by a bully of a sergeant-major. In the daily life, he is very kind, but as sergeant-major… He asks you (as visitor) all kinds of questions, e.g. what is the name of the national anthem and how many couplets there are in that song, etc. If you say the wrong answer, you have to do push-ups. He counted like this: 1,2,3,3,3,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,9,10. Instead of doing 10 push-ups, you have to do 15! Must people enjoyed that part (but I don’t know what is so funny about 15 push-ups :p).
In the beginning it was very exciting, but after I wile, you “learn” how your character is, so it is easier to play that character. This play was one of the greatest things I ever done in my life and I am really glad I took part in this play. I know for sure that Lan agrees with me. The photo is of a little part of the cast. I hope you enjoyed this story! THE END
Greetings from Fina (12) And a Happy New Year to all readers of this fantastic site!!
Christmas 2006: Dutch no big spenders!

Compared to other countries the Dutchmen spend relatively little during Christmas time. So a working American spends average 920 euros on Christmas presents and the British on the average 787 euros. Only in Singapore and Japan on the average less is spent on Christmas presents than in the Netherlands. I hope my parents are going to spend a bit more than 200,- euros as my Nintendo Wii costs about E 250,- . Furthermore we go to France and go to ski. So that’s ging to cost also a lot of money. So fingers crossed for my Nintendo……………!!! Perhaps my parents are mild after reading this contribution. MAY BE!! Dutch males spend more than women!! They spend 255,- euro and the women 196,- euro. Chocolate, sweets and candy are at the top of everyone’s list. And also books, CD’s and concert tickets. And in my case a Nintendo!! If you also like Nintendo, please let me know by pushing on comments. Do not forget your name and the country you live in. That is what I had to ask you from our editor, Geo Stork. Merry Chtistmas!! CU!! Tim (12)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
The active earth

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Award for Hofstadgeographers!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
2006, the year of the weather records

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Remembrance Day

Monday, December 11, 2006
The best street party of The Hague

We, Mieke and Pamela, live in the same street in The Hague. Every year in the last week of the summer holiday, we have got a big party in our street. The name of the street is Viandenstraat. You can do all kind of little games and there is also a barbeque, an air cushion, music, a bar and a big fire and sometimes they even light fireworks in the evening! You can also eat a lot of things such as; kebabs, steak, hamburgers, bacon and French fries. We think that it is very much fun. It is every year fantastic and the organisation is very good. Every year the day after we attend the BIG party, which is also a little party because then we eat the leftovers from the day before and everyone helps cleaning up. Come along in the Viandenstraat in August 2007. We are sure you will enjoy yourself!!
Bye, bye! Mieke and Pamela (13)
There are dunes of 114 metres high!
My opinion is that dunes are great. I like to run on it and roll of the dunes (It is forbidden to walk on it so don’t do the same as me!). My tip is: Take a look at Dune du Pila, I’ve been there and it is really cool, it looks like a desert when you’re standing on it. I haven’t roll of those dunes because my parents forbid that.
From Richelle, class T1B
Why I feel European?

By guest writer Iris Sengers (18), student of Hofstad Lyceum, The Hague, Holland
Sunday, December 10, 2006
We love the seals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clinton goes for Rotterdam

The forty metropolises are responsible for 75% of the expulsion of all the greenhouse gasses in the world. The CCI tries to solve the problem by its roots. I think that, if they work together by combining the best techniques and the highest educated people, we can change the weather situation in time. The CCI is a huge project that shows the world that we must do something before it is too late. The most important of all is to show the world that we can do something.
By guest writer Denise Meijer (18) student of Hofstad lyceum, The Hague, Holland
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The secret of Hook of Holland (2)

Royal family celebrates Amalia's anniversary

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
All Dutchmen walk on wooden shoes ;-)))))

Originally clogs were worn by women. Around 1700 it was slowly going to be popular among men. Clogs were always made of the wood of the willow. Nowadays you can buy many types of klompen everywhere in Holland (in souvenirshops). From tiny miniatures to nicely decorated big ones. I like them very much because they are so special for the culture of Holland. Please let me know, whether wooden shoes also exist in your country!!! Bye, bye! Dennis (13)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Our beautiful dunes

Monday, December 04, 2006
Callum's collage

Friday, December 01, 2006
Korfball: for boys and girls

I want to write something about my favourite sport korfball. I play it together with me girlfriend Lan. It is a very nice sport because you have to play together because it is a team sport. Unlike ather sports boys and girls play together in the same team!The meaning of korfball is to shoot the ball in the basket and so you score a point.Here are some rules: you have to defend you antagonist very good otherwise they score a point. You play with 8 players in a team 4 of them going to defend and the other 4 going to attack. You have to shoot from the ground to above the basket and not from downstairs! One game is 2 times 25 minutes with 10 minutes time out. If you score the most points in 50 minutes you win! After the time out you have to stand in the other part of the field and if you have defended you have to attack and the other way around. I have written something about korfball because it is not a very popular sport. I hope that you maybe going to play it with your friends and I am sure that you will enjoy it!!.
Greetings from Susan (13)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
HELLO WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you want to be my pen friend?

Hello, my name is Pamela Baarda. I’m thirteen years old and I live in The Hague, Holland. I am a student of Hofstad Lyceum
I like it to mail with my friends, but now that I am in a bilingual class I would also like to mail with a child from another country of twelve/thirteen years old. Somebody in Spain would be great! Or from another country. I like to play with my younger brother and sister.But I like it the most when I do something with my friends. If we get in touch I will tell you more about my hobbies and my life. I hope so that you like too to write with someone from another country!!
When you would like to be my pen friend please send an email to our editor, Mr. Smit, and than I hear that from him. I hope it very much! This is his address: SMT@hofstadlyceum.nl. You can also click on ‘comments’ below this message
Pamela Baarda (13)
Madurodam: see Holland in two hours

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The hottest autumn ever!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Randstad rail
Monday, November 27, 2006
About our new light railway system

We opened the station by pulling a large cardboard plate off the wall. The plate was attached to the wall by Velcro. Then there where a few pictures and our grandmother did an interview and some other things. It was even on our own The Hague TV channel, TV-West and in the papers!. It was a very nice day!
Kind regards,
Wouter Hartog van Banda
Class: T1A
The Netherlands
Friday, November 24, 2006
Nesestrelles celebrate membership of EU in 1986

Dear Hofstadgeographers!
In the picture our partnerbloggers in Asturias, Spain. Meanwhile you know them as Nes estrelles and I beleive that some of you are in contact with them.
They have made a "horreo", a traditional Asturian store for wheat. This horreo is made of all kind of reclycable things, like milkboxes. Our Spanish friends are very concerned about the environment. In fact this environment project iss a present for the European Union, as Spain and Portugal are celebrating the membership of the EU, that started on November 25th, 1986, so excatly 20 years ago. If you want to congratulate nes estrelles I suggest you visit their site www.nesestrelles.blogspot.com and add your wish after clicking on "comments". If you prefer an English translation (by Babel Alta fish, so with plenty mistakes!!) please click on "comments" below this contribution.
Good luck, Geo Stork
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Elections in Holland are good for the animals

The CDA (Christian Democrats) remained the biggest party, but the SP (Socialist Party) showed the biggest change from the last elections; plus 17 seats!! Very special was that we have a political party for the animals. This is unique because it is the first group representing animals in Europe that comes into the politics. The leader of this PVDD is Marianne Thiemen and her group won 2 seats. Seats or chairs mean that each group has a number of deputies in the Chamber where they discuss about The Netherlands. The political party who has got the most chairs is still the CDA. The Labour Party (PvdA) lost 10 out of her 42 seats!
I think it is very important to have politicians who represent the interests of animals, and my teacher of Dutch, Mr. van der Schaaf says: somebody who is good or ‘social’ for animals is good for the people.
I think he is right.
By Elodie (13)
For a pen friend go to www.prkorea.com !!

My geography teacher, who went on a study tour to Korea, gave us a site address. He asked us if we wanted to subscribe on this site well I thought getting a new pen pal would be very nice. I tried lots of times but all the time didn’t get a reaction. I was quite disappointed about it but then at last I got a mail back from RenoAicio. It`s a boy who is 14 years old and is interested in Holland. So we started to mail quit often. His first mail was :
Hi Lan, nice to meet you. I`m interested in your country. Can you give me a daily story about
you and about Holland? I will tell about my self and I think it`s nice that we mail. Greetings, Reno Aicio.
We did it is very nice! So I say that you should do it to. I think it`s nice that we do this because we are like good friends! And just being able to communicate with some one at the other side of the globe isn’t it amazing how you just become friends with some one at the other side of the globe. Just getting to now him or her and getting to no his/her culture.
In my opinion this is something wonderful to do!!! And I advice you to do it as well (you won`t be disappointed) you will get more info about Korea. So just do it and go to http://www.prkorea.com/.
Greetings and kisses from Lan from Holland
Dog almost died of starvation
Her original boss left the pets behind because she decided to live together with her ‘lover’ and she didn’t like the pets anymore. She had taken 2 little dogs with her.
I think: this is criminal so the woman who did this must be strictly forbidden to have pets.
There are more and more pets being left behind. The pet-safety is falling down and down.
I hope that it is going to stop quickly. Perhaps now we have a political party for the animals in our parliament (the PVD)
Dennis van Viet, T1B
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
We live below sea level!

The Dutch people have always fought against the water. That is why the best dike builders are Dutch! In 1953 the province Zeeland was flooded. Many people died. Such a disaster should never happen again. The Dutch people designed a system of huge sea barriers and called it the Delta Works. It took a long time to finish the Delta Works.
I think that the flood of 1953 has made the Dutch people the best dike builders of the world and I am very proud of that!!
By Rianne (13 years old )
Try these Sinterklaas sites

Dear visitors,
I selected two sites for you with plenty information of Sinterklaas. The first one is in Dutch only. As you will see, you can design your Sinterklaaspoems, play games, find out how the steam engine of his nostalgic boat works, etc.
The second one is for our international friends, as there is also an English version.
Have fun!
Geo Stork
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I am the story teller in a musical
It's really nice to play in a musical, because on the evening of the musical you get make up on your face and really nice clothes. Then you walk on the stage and play your role. I hope you visit Holland once, and see the musical ,Beauty and the beast'.
By Rebecca Niese (12 years old)
Trainer leaves footballclub after being threatened
By Tim (13)
Monday, November 20, 2006
The North Sea is just around the corner
Just CTRL + Click on the links below and you’ll find out where our school is located. As you may discover, the North Sea, the dunes and the beach are just around the corner! Hofstadgeographers are invited to go to http://nl.quikmaps.com and add their own map with the red flag on top of their home via ‘’comments’’. Do not forget your name! Visitors from abroad: please send us your map so we can find out where you live!
All the best, Geo Stork (ed)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Europe games

Saturday, November 18, 2006
The secret of Hook of Holland

If you go to this event, you will have a wonderful evening! I have seen many events in this spooky fortress and for me, it is always a wonderful spectacle. This year I am a member of the cast (I am that strange girl), so it is very exiting! We act without script and by heart, so it is a little bit difficult, but it is very funny too. I hope you will come to this event! (In the picture my father, playing the role of captain of the fortress)
Fina Verbeek (12)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Holland goes warmer
From Richelle van Capelleveen
Our homework class
There are some rules:
-No talking
-No shouting
-No running
-No games
But you can eat and drink. However, if you go on the computer you can’t eat or drink. It’s in our reading place with an oval table where you can make your homework on. I think it is a lot better than at my home because there it is noisy and my sister is shouting all the time with her friends. And I am distracted by my computer or TV.
So I’m very happy that I’m on homework class because nobody distracts
me. And there are nice teachers to help you if you have problems.
By Colin Marshall (12)
Halloween at school
At our school, the Hofstad lyceum in The Hague, we had a school party called SOOS (short for society). The theme of that SOOS was Halloween. It was a nice party and we had a lot of fun. The music was nice too. There were not so many people as I had thought. But almost everyone was dancing and it was really fun. I liked it when there was soap and smoke coming out of the ceiling . The party ended at 23.00 PM. Quite late but I wasn`t tired, so strange…
I`ve heard that more places here in the Netherlands are thinking of celebrating Halloween. I really hope it!!
By Zainab Ashraf (12)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Our day trip to Colchester
After the shopping we were taken by bus back to Harwich, where we had to wait a long time for the boat to take us back to Hook of Holland. We thank our teachers for organising this fantastic trip. It was really great!!!!
By Elodie
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
By Annebregt Treling
Halloween and Sint Maarten
Operation shoebox
-soap or shampoo
-school stuff
- a t-shirt
-a Christmas card
-toys that don't run on electricity (wooden toys, barbie's, etc.)
-an English book
-if you have it African money
The stuff has to be new or in a good condition. If you have enough presents you can decorate your shoebox with what ever you like. You also have to write on the box if it is for a boy or girl and for which age. You have to put elastic around it to keep it together in the airplane. After that you give the box to your English teacher andthan it will be send to Africa. I think it is very good idea to send a shoeboxbecause you only have to spend a few euros and than you can give anAfrican kid a beautiful Christmas.By Iris van der Zwan (12 years)
My geography teacher
It’s too bad he’s leaving us when we get in the fourth class.
My mother has been at sailing camp with him when she was one of his students.
Mr. Smit was very delighted when I brought him some pictures of that sailing camp.
There are rules, and one of them is called the eight s’s.
That rule is:
Senior speaks, students silent,
Student speaks, other students silent.
Mr. Smit is also the maker of this site.
He’s always very enthousiast, like when we had Hogwarts Lyceum.
He was the head of the House of Raven claw.
I hope you enjoy our site.
Wouter Zonneveld
Sunday, November 05, 2006
About the trapped flood horses in the Waddenzee
Rules for writers
- 200 words maximum (in English)
- you must be a bilingual student of grade 1 or 2 of Hofstad Lyceum
- the subject must be related to geography, sociology, politics or economy (use newspapers and news sites); contributions about daily life (school life included) are also most welcome, as long as the information is interesting for students in other countries!
- write about your own neighbourhood, city, region or country. Or about European integration.
- always add your own opinion in a couple of words
- finish off your contribution by giving your name
- send your contributions to Hans Smit (editor): SMT@hofstadlyceum.nl (as an attachment to your email)
- one picture can be added, but must be sent to me as a seperate (JPG)attachment!!!!!