The seal créche Pieterburen takes care about seals, when they are hurt by fish nets or when they could drown. The seal créche Pieterburen helps this seals and make them better. When they are better they put them back in the sea. The seals are living in the Wadden Sea. This créche is in the North of Groningen. There are 19 species of seals in the world and 2 of them are living in the shallow waters of the Wadden Sea.The Seal asylum excist 35 years! That is a really long time so they have make a new logo and change the name. Now it is : Lenie 't Hart. Lenie 'tHart started to take care the seals. The first time she had a weak seal shetook him in a bath in her own back yard. So started Seal créche Pieterburen .The site you really should visit is: http://www.zeehondencréche.nl/ . Then you click on English. You can give money to Pieterburen or Lenie 't Hart. So they can help the seals better. I think the seal créche is really good because we can save the lives of a seal. Christina vd Lelie (13)
Very nice blog. I've been once in Pieterburen and I really loved it. Seals are such cute animals!
Thank you Bianca! I have never been there. But I think I like it also!
You really need to go there! It's so nice! Maybe Mr. Smit wants to go there with your class, haha.
haha, good idea!
Carolina. of Spain: this very well which they seal to that want to see it to me, this is a collection
Hola Carolina from Spain!!
Thanks for your comment!!Please let us know from which part of Spain you are from! What is your age? School? If you prefer, write to us in Spanish. No problemas. ¡Hablamos Español!
¡Hasta luego!
Geo Stork, redactór
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