You may know that a great part of Holland is below the sea level. Maybe you don’t understand what I mean. Let me explain. A great part of Holland lies lower than the sea. For example: a part of The Hague, the city where I live, lies below the sea level too. Our city is protected by the dunes (natural hills). Other parts of our country are protected by man-made dikes.
The Dutch people have always fought against the water. That is why the best dike builders are Dutch! In 1953 the province Zeeland was flooded. Many people died. Such a disaster should never happen again. The Dutch people designed a system of huge sea barriers and called it the Delta Works. It took a long time to finish the Delta Works.
I think that the flood of 1953 has made the Dutch people the best dike builders of the world and I am very proud of that!!
By Rianne (13 years old )
The Dutch people have always fought against the water. That is why the best dike builders are Dutch! In 1953 the province Zeeland was flooded. Many people died. Such a disaster should never happen again. The Dutch people designed a system of huge sea barriers and called it the Delta Works. It took a long time to finish the Delta Works.
I think that the flood of 1953 has made the Dutch people the best dike builders of the world and I am very proud of that!!
By Rianne (13 years old )
WOW!The story of the dikes it´s incredible.Spain it´s a very tall land so we don´t need dikes.
I think that is a good idea. But ¿can the dock break ?. I like holand I like to live in there. the people isn`t scary in there. i don`t undestand how can you do to take out the whater, is a very dificoult work.
Fernando from IES cuenca del nalon spain
I believe that this very well the history of the dikes so that she does not find floods, but I do not believe that the dikes well so that the constructors are Dutch.
Ricardo (Spain)
Aren´t your afraid of the dikes? I hope they are safe. And I think it must be very nice to live with so much water around. I love HOLLAND, but it is very humid and raining much. I think I prefer Asturias.
In spain it is not necesary to have dikes because it is situated in a high place.
Juncal (spain)
hello!! my name is David.I´m from spain.
I would like to live below sea level because it must be strange.
I´m astonished by the people who live below sea level. Aren't you scared?
DAVID: I.E.S Cuenca del nalon,asturias,spain
Wow! living there must be a scary experience because the docks can break.
Ruben from I.E.S Cuenca Del Nalón-Spain.
It must be very beautiful to live in Holland.
The coast is magnific, we also have got a beautiful coast, it is in Gijon. It is only 30 kilometers of Langreo.
Is it not dangeorus to live on the coast?
Aren't you afraid?
Diego from I.E.S Cuenca Del Nalon, Spain
This is more interesting, but it can be dangerous, the dikes can be broken and the cities can be flooded. It must be strange to live below sea level. In Spain the level of the sea is below the earth.
David from the I.E.S. cuenca del Nalón. Greetings from Spain.
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