Bill Clinton founded the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), a group of forty metropolises that work together to bring down the CO2-expulsion. On the 7th of December, he came to the Netherlands to discuss the changing weather situation and the global warming. Clinton chose Rotterdam to take part of this project, because of its impact of Rotterdam-Rijnmond and it’s harbour.
The forty metropolises are responsible for 75% of the expulsion of all the greenhouse gasses in the world. The CCI tries to solve the problem by its roots. I think that, if they work together by combining the best techniques and the highest educated people, we can change the weather situation in time. The CCI is a huge project that shows the world that we must do something before it is too late. The most important of all is to show the world that we can do something.
By guest writer Denise Meijer (18) student of Hofstad lyceum, The Hague, Holland
The forty metropolises are responsible for 75% of the expulsion of all the greenhouse gasses in the world. The CCI tries to solve the problem by its roots. I think that, if they work together by combining the best techniques and the highest educated people, we can change the weather situation in time. The CCI is a huge project that shows the world that we must do something before it is too late. The most important of all is to show the world that we can do something.
By guest writer Denise Meijer (18) student of Hofstad lyceum, The Hague, Holland
Denise! I love your Blog! It's so amazing... Well, where have you learn all those things? Maybe you should start your own blog, just like me, hahaha.
Bianca! I'm so not starting my own blog, writing is not my thing. But everybody, look at www.sgaapje.nl with a G! Bianca's blog haha.
Haha, woow, thank you for promoting my blog. Haha. Oh, but Denise, you're such a great story teller, I think you should start a blog, really!
What kind of story is there for me to tell on a blog? The story of my life? Nobody is interested in that haha!
The story of... Tuesday Pizzabroodjesdag. Or something like that... Haha. I think the world would LOVE to hear that. Haha. Story of your life is too shocking for the world... Whaha!
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