In most European countries we use the same coin; the Euro. When we go on holiday in Europe we never have to change our money, except in a few countries. The intern market has grown. There is free traffic of goods, services and persons. Holland is a trade country. We use this free market to increase Holland’s prosperity. All the citizens profit from the increase of Holland’s prosperity. We, as students, can study in Europe. Europe helps students who want to study abroad with all kinds of programmes and activities. For example, you can get an Erasmus-scholarship. We can also work and live anywhere we want in Europe. You can get medical treatment, when the waiting time is too long in Holland, in one of the countries of Europe. The insurance company has to compensate for the costs of the treatment if it isn’t more than in Holland. Holland is a little country when you look at the world map. With the help of Europe, Holland’s participation is improved. Europe is more able to face problems world-wide, with the help of all the countries of Europe. And because of all this I feel European!
By guest writer Iris Sengers (18), student of Hofstad Lyceum, The Hague, Holland
By guest writer Iris Sengers (18), student of Hofstad Lyceum, The Hague, Holland
I like the idea that we use euro in every countrys. The last winter we went to londres and i have a mess with the libra. i lose a lot of money.
is a very good idea because when you travel is more easy to control the euro for buy presents,guide,sweet...
rubén from spain
You are right Fernando! That is why I advise to visit The Hague next time!! Everything in Euros and far far cheaper than London! If you come alonng, do not forget to visit our school, the Hofstad Lyceum! ¡Hasta luego!
Geo Stork, editor
Hi Rubén!
Thanks for your comment! Where do you live in Spain? How old are you? Do you like to come in contact with one of our students (for a pen pal relation?) Please let us know!
Geo Stork, editor
He is better to have a same currency for all Europe, because to travel from a site to another one not to need to exchange, and to better handle and moverte with your currency.
Hi mr. or ms. anonymous!
What is your name? Country? Age?
Please let us know!!
Geo Stork, editor
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