Thursday, November 16, 2006

Our homework class

The homework class is a place at school where you can do your homework if you have problems with your concentration.
There are some rules:
-No talking
-No shouting
-No running
-No games
But you can eat and drink. However, if you go on the computer you can’t eat or drink. It’s in our reading place with an oval table where you can make your homework on. I think it is a lot better than at my home because there it is noisy and my sister is shouting all the time with her friends. And I am distracted by my computer or TV.
So I’m very happy that I’m on homework class because nobody distracts
me. And there are nice teachers to help you if you have problems.
By Colin Marshall (12)


nes estrelles said...

This sounds really good, Colin! I think we could try to do something similar at our school... Here sometimes it's also very noisy and it's difficult to work, so I think it's a great idea to establish some rules so everybody has to follow!
Good luck with your school homework!
Pilar from Spain (from your partner school, IES Cuenca del Nalón in Asturias)

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Good luck with youre homework class
