If you think: in Holland everybody walks on clogs you are completely wrong. Neither do we all live in windmills or have only tulips in our back yard! But in the 18th and 19th century, wooden shoes were quite normal. And even now quite a few farmers wear them. The oldest clog ever found is +/- 1250 years old. They where made to protect one’s feet in the muddy streets and in the marshy lands. Sometimes small boards were attached to the wooden shoes, in order not to sink away in the wetlands
Originally clogs were worn by women. Around 1700 it was slowly going to be popular among men. Clogs were always made of the wood of the willow. Nowadays you can buy many types of klompen everywhere in Holland (in souvenirshops). From tiny miniatures to nicely decorated big ones. I like them very much because they are so special for the culture of Holland. Please let me know, whether wooden shoes also exist in your country!!! Bye, bye! Dennis (13)
Originally clogs were worn by women. Around 1700 it was slowly going to be popular among men. Clogs were always made of the wood of the willow. Nowadays you can buy many types of klompen everywhere in Holland (in souvenirshops). From tiny miniatures to nicely decorated big ones. I like them very much because they are so special for the culture of Holland. Please let me know, whether wooden shoes also exist in your country!!! Bye, bye! Dennis (13)
Hello Dennis!
It is very interesting what you write about Dutch clogs. We also have wooden shoes here in Asturias. They were also traditionally used by people in the fields, to walk on muddy soil, or even when there was snow. But, of course, not everybody now wears them! You can take a look at this site: http://usuarios.lycos.es/elrinconcunqueiru/madrenas.htm and you will see some pictures of our Asturian wooden shoes, which, by the way, are called "MADREÑAS".
Congratulations for your blogsite. It is very interesting and you are all doing a great job!
hi dennis,
i read your piece about the dutchman on wooden shoes it is really interesting i didn't now that the oldest 'klomp' was found so alomg time ago i have also written 2 thing on de site 1 about colchester and 1 about de partij voor de dieren i hope you like it
Elodie, I'm spelling I (from me y'know) always with a capital I, not with an i...
yes, Elodie you spell it wrong, but it doesn't cair (I make also spelling mistakes)
Hi Ms Anonymous!!
Please add your name next time (click "other" and fill in your name in "username"
I agree with the last writer, that it doesn't matter at all that you make spelling mistakes. The point is that people from all over the world are able to understand our messages and our opinions!!
Geo Stork, editor
CAROLINA IES CUENCA DEL NALON SPAIN is very difficult to walk with that wood footwear formerly also were used here but today also you can see some person who takes them
Hola Carolina! What is the name of the wooden shoes in Asturias again?
Hasta luego!
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