If you want your writing to be published in this site, these are the rules:
- 200 words maximum (in English)
- you must be a bilingual student of grade 1 or 2 of Hofstad Lyceum
- the subject must be related to geography, sociology, politics or economy (use newspapers and news sites); contributions about daily life (school life and private interests included) are also most welcome, as long as the information is interesting for students in other countries!
- write about your own neighbourhood, city, region or country. Or about European integration.
- always add your own opinion in a couple of words
- finish off your contribution by giving your name and age
- send your contributions to Hans Smit (editor): SMT@hofstadlyceum.nl (as an attachment to your email)
- one or two pictures may be added, but must be sent to me as a seperate (JPG)attachment!!!!!
Dear mister Smit,
My family in Indonesia are also very interested in this blogsite. Are they also able to write a little story like the school in Spain?
Yes of course, Fina. Guestwriters always welcome!Particularly young writers. Please show your family our rules for writers
I will, Thank you very much! But, I guss i will have to waite. the internet system doesn't work for a while, because of the flood in jakarta...
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