I want to tell you something about my pet bird Jojo, because it is a very special bird! It is a mynah (in Dutch we call it a “beo”) Jojo can imitate sounds very well, like voices, telephone ring tones, whistles, slithering fences and much more. If you read this, you would probably think it is some sort of parrot, but it isn’t. Jojo and the other mynahs are family of the sparrow. They live in Asia (mostly Indonesia). They eat fruit & little bugs and live in the Tropical jungle. It is expensive to buy a mynah in Europe, but on the other hand, you will have a great friend… Before Jojo we already have one mynah, and my father two, they were called Benito and Calimero. A mynah has to fly at least once in two days (in the room), so does Jojo. Jojo has many, many adventures outside the cage… He is very curious so he likes to bite in every thing that looks exiting. Jojo is a real explorer and his favourite item is my money pocket. Very often he grabs twenty euro and escapes with it to! Then he shows it proudly to us. He is very naughty, but also the sweetest mynah ever! Do you have a nice pet like Jojo? Please tell me!!!!!!!!!! Greetz, Fina
What a cute bird!
Hi Felix! Thanks for your comment!How did you know about our blogsite? Are you a bilingual student as well? let us know!
gr, Geo Stork, editor
Where can you buy birds like that?! I want one! Now I have a cute rabbit (she's called Bunny) but she's old (7 years!!) and the only thing she does the whole day is sleeping, eating, drinking, making funny noises...boring...when she was younger, I played with her and THAT was more fun than anything!
Koen Kleiberg, T1A
Hello Fina,
Thank you now i know more about the Beo or the Jojo it's a very funny bird i think :).
Greets alvin
Dear mister Geo Stork,
Felix is my friend, but he is not a bilinguel student. He likes Jojo very much and called him the "praatvogel" (talkingbird)
Dear mister Geo Stork,
Felix is my friend, but he is not a bilinguel student. He likes Jojo very much and called him the "praatvogel" (talkingbird)
Dear Koen,
You can buy mynah's in the "vogelkelder"or by the birdmarket in antwerpen. There are many mynah's out there! (Thanks for your comment)
Dear Alvin,
If you want you can look at Jojo for yourself at my house! You don't have to, only if you want...
Hello Tante Fina...
I'm Nasywa from Indonesia...
i really like to meet your "Jojo" very much,it's like a verry cute bird. I do have my own pet, it's a turtle. First i have 2 turtles, but sadly, now i just have one because one of them was died. it's name is chico.
Tante Fina... would you tell about Indonesia to your friend? or write it in this web. tell them about the beauty, the hot weather, about "nyamuk"...he..he..he... about everything of Indonesia, OK!
WOW!!! Someone from Indonesia!!
But why does she say Tante Fina -.-
For Indonesian rules, I am Nawywas aunt, Koen. Quit confusing, isn't it?
so you know her already...but can you tell me some more about that Tante Fina rule??
dear Nasywa!
If you write something about your life in Indonesia to hans.smit@hetnet.nl I'll publish that! We are fond of foreign guestwriters! Have a look at our rules fro writers (e.g. max 200 words) Please send a picture a swell!!
Lokoking forward to your reply,
Geo Stork, editor
Dear Fina,
what an excellent written work!
keep up the good work, Girl!
I would like to give a little comment about Koen's question of why nasywa call Tante Fina.
First, I am Nimas. and Fina is my cousin. Fina ussually call me "Mbak Nimas" because I am older than her.
In Indonesia especially in Java it is common to call someone older or younger than us with certain name.
For example; we us "Mbak" to call our big sister and "Mas" for big brother.In general, we call "Kakak" for both sister or brother elder than us.For younger sister or brother we usually call "Adik".
We also call Uncle and Aunt with "Om" and "Tante",or Javanesse ussually say "PakLik" and "BuLik", and then followed by their own name ex:Om John or PakLik John.
Calling such name for them elder than us is a way to give respect. In fact,it becomes a must for most people here. We never call anyone older by using their own name because it can be considered as an impolite attitude.Even for our parents we keep using "Mama" and "Papa" or "Ibu" and "Bapak"(but it is uncommon followed by their name)
We also use such name to call them who has no family relation with us.I call my friend's parents "Om" and "Tante" eventhough I know their name.
In short,calling others with certain title or name is being a part of eastern tradition in order to show our respect.
I hope my explanation can answer Koen's question as well.
I cannot give any better explanation, anyway.
It is true what Fina has said, quite confussing, because actually we have so much rules and exceptation.Perhaps next time I can write about this.Just wait until I can find better explanation to tell, okay?
For Fina,
it is very kind of you asking me to give comment for your written.
Thank you so much, Honey...
Thank you mbak Nimas for your exellent explanation! I wouldn't explain it better than you can! I think we are all waiting with patience for your story! You already have a subject, so the most difficult part is done.
Greetz from Holland
jojo rocks!
lan, you are more then right
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