Then there is a gaming clinic now, opened by Keith Baker!Mr. Baker has opened a clinic in Amsterdam which helps addicts who have been under drugs or other things and he also helps game addicts from now on. When you come in you see a dog with just one eye (who has been tortured in youth) and then Keith Baker himself comes in and he draws a circle on a blackboard with arms and legs. He divides it in school, entertainment and family/friends. And he asks you what you do most at the moment. If you’re a true addict you’ll see that the whole circle is entertainment (gaming). Now the treatment will be things like paintball and going to the pub asking girls out on a date. He does so because he says that all the fun stuff you didn’t do in real life you must do here. Now the treatment isn’t cheap; it costs 500 euros a day! And since it’s not government funded you’ll have to pay yourself and as the treatment will last about 6 months that is a lot of cash. But when it’s done you can’t play any games at all which I think is pretty weird. But he says that people who can’t resist alcohol shouldn’t drink either.
Personally I think it’s a bit hard pushed to stop gaming
Jille Niang (13) T1B
Personally I think it’s a bit hard pushed to stop gaming
Jille Niang (13) T1B
Gaming is fun!
Have you ever played GTA San Andreas? It's great!
Yes I played it but I think there's too much violence, sex and drugs in it...I don't like it very much, I like Mario, Zelda etc.
But how old are you anonymous? GTA San Andreas is rated 18+!!
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