I will tell about AAV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle). There are several names for AAV’s but I think this is the right one. The AAV is a vehicle that in a lot of NATO countries is used by the Navy. These vehicles can both sail and ride .I have chosen the AAV because the older types (the DUKW, nickname “Duck”) were used in 1953 during the flood in Holland. They were left in Holland in 1945 by the American and Canadian forces, that liberated our country from the Nazis. These amphibious vehicles, by that time in the hands of private owners, were very useful, as they were the first to arrive in the inundated areas. They were able to reach isolated villages and farms that were not accessible by boats nor cars or trucks. That’s why they saved so many people. The AAV was designed and built in the late 1960s and early 1970s.The length is 7.94m, the width is 3.27m, the height are 3.26m and weight are 22.8 tonnes.. Their speed is 64 km/h on land and in water 13 km/h. There are 3 types of the AAV: 1. AAVP-7A1 (Personnel) 2. AAVC-7A1 (Command) 3. AAVR-7A1 (Recovery). If you are also interested in amphibious vehicles, please let me know! I think they are wonderful machines!!
By Guilian.
By Guilian.
Note from the editor: the upper photo was sent in by Fina Verbeek's dad. It is a German AAV and the Nazis wanted to use these machines to invade our country in case the Dutch goverment had inundated the country to prevent the ennemy from coming in (The so called Waterlinie)Thanks, Mr Verbeek!
Hehe I want one :P
Hey Koen, did you know inundations were used to defend the Netherlands in 1940? It was called the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. The Germans developed special amphibious vehicles in order to cross these watery defences.
Yeah, I know, and that was not fair :(
hi anomymous!! Please tick other and add your name!!
Geo Stork, editor
Aha! Now we know, that anonymous is Fina's dad!!
Welcome to the club, Mr Verbeek!
Geo Stork, editor
My dad appreciates that aduls are also aloud to write things on this blogsite (that is way he said he was an Anonymous)
Alright: I made a few spelling mistakes in my last comment.
This is what I wanted to write:
My dad appreciates that adults are also allowed to write things on this blogsite (that is why he said he was an Anonymous)
My father has corrected my spelling mistakes. Iam very sorry about the mistakes :( (boehoe)
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