Geo Stork is the nickname of our coordinator and editor. Geo means earth, our planet. A stork is represented in the weapon of The Hague (de Haagse ooievaar). So Geo Stork is a combination of what we (the Hofstadgeographers) are interested in and the city we live in.----------------------------------------
About us, the Hofstadgeographers:
We are students of the Hofstad Lyceum in The Hague, Netherlands (12/13/14 years old). Our objectives with this site are to publish contributions about all kinds of geographically relevant topics. We would like to come in contact with others in the world, who are interested in these topics. So if you react, please do not forget your name and nationality! See you along in our site!! Please also visit our "home" blogg:
P.S. For a good impression of our school, we suggest you go to: > actueel > fotosite